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Impregnated Diamond Bits


We manufacture premuim diamond bit, diamond core bit, impregnated diamond core bits. Our standard matrix height is 6mm, the working part is also called "Crown". Matrix height can also be 8mm,9mm,10mm,12mm. And different color selections for drilling different rocks from soft,medium to hard,ultra hard such as: Clay,Sandstone,Gypsum,Talc,Tuff,Shale,Serpentinite,Calcite; Siltstone,Limestone,Marble,Andesite,Dolomite,Reinforced concrete,Porphyry; Basalt,Pegmatite,Gabbro,Schist,Norite,Syenite,Peridotite; Amphibolite,Diorite,Gneiss,Granite,Rhyolite,Quartzite; Ironstone,Taconite,Jasperite,Quartz,Chert. Also we supply with surface set diamond core bits,tungsten carbide core bits,PDC core bits, TSP(geocube) core bits,electroplated diamond core drill bits. Also we supply non coring bits,reaming shells,core barrels,drilling rods,overshots,diamond casing shoe bit and other diamond drilling equipments and drill rigs for site investigation,mineral exploration,oil well,water well drilling applications. Matrix hardness, diamond size and dosing can be varied according to the rock which must be cut, so the matrix of our impregnated diamond core drill bits is designed for rock formation from soft matrix recipe to the very hard matrix recipe. Especial include fractured, abrasive or silicified rocks. Matrix hardness selection is simplified by our colour system, which designed to help you match the most effective impregnated diamond core bits to your drilling application.


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